DIY Pet Pillow

sweetdreamsI don’t know about your pups but our dog just started sleeping with us. He is all over the bed all night long. He goes from laying peaceful between us, to laying on my husbands head, then on my feet, then spread eagle across our legs…well you get the picture. My husband could sleep through a hurricane, but I am light sleeper so this decision to let him sleep with us has led to some sleepless nights for me. Therefore we (and by “we” I mean “I”) are going to try for a modification to this sleeping pattern. I have used one of my sweaters to make a pillow case to place on the floor next to our bed. It was a pretty rudimentary design for the “pillow case,” but it worked out well and he likes it. First, I started by using a sweater that I was ready for the rubbish pile. I wore it around the house for the afternoon just to get a little of my scent on it. Then I made the pillow case. The plan is to get him to sleep on it around then house then move it to the bedroom. He will do a “sit stay” pretty well, hence I don’t think it will be too troublesome to get him to sleep on the pillow. However, we shall see.

I have added a quick overview of how I did my pillow. I stitched mine by hand you may want to use a sewing machine in that case you would not stuff the pillow first, but last.

pillow final

P.S. For the pictures I just used safety pins to hold it together. You could potentially leave the pins if your dog is not much of digger. Mine likes to scratch at his pillows to fluff them and I chose not leave the pins fearing he might unhook one and poke himself.

4 thoughts on “DIY Pet Pillow

  1. The Bostonites January 24, 2015 / 5:26 am

    I have a King Charles too, and honestly my dog loves sleeping in his own crate at night. However, in the mornings after my husband, or I take him out to do his business, and then after he eats, he will cuddle with us in the morning. If it’s on a weekday usually it’s just me. This way we get a good nights sleep and then have snuggle time in the morning. 😊. This is just what works for us.

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    • the4leggedking January 24, 2015 / 7:25 pm

      I miss morning cuddles actually. We used to do that when he was sleeping in his kennel at night. He would let us know he needs to do his business and then we came back in we would get in bed with my husband to wake him up. 🙂


      • The Bostonites January 24, 2015 / 11:18 pm

        My dog has a set time that he needs to go out at! lol Does your dog spin every time he is ready to go out?


      • the4leggedking January 26, 2015 / 2:31 am

        He has bells on the door handle that he rings. And if he rings them and we don’t pay attention then he comes and sits in front of one of us until we pay attention. And then we notice he jumps up and down as soon as he realizes that we are taking him O-U-T 😉

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